Monday, June 23, 2008

Pleasant Grove Strawberry Days 5k

-Jonny and Julia (23:31), Melody (23:31), Grandma, Mom, Amber, Drew, friends Marianne and Paul
-This is always our favorite race of the summer. It was even more fun this year with Drew and Mari and Paul joining in. It seems we all get our best times on this one because the first mile is a nice and easy downhill. Jonny pushed Julia because he didn't feel he was in his optimal racing shape. So imagine my surprise and excitement when Jonny and Julia approached and overtook me at the last few hundred feet! This gave me some real motivation to push it at the end so we three could come in together. And we did. Well, I guess Julia was first across the finish line, technically. We all felt great, were happy with our times, and enjoyed eating strawberries - a first at this race, surprisingly!
-Ha ha! I just read Drew's post on the race. See it here.
-Mom and Dad babysat Julia after the race while Jonny took me for my first mountain bike ride up at Lambert Park in Alpine. (He has recently taken it up.) It was incredible and difficult! After running a race, which can be very mentally and physically challenging, biking seemed like the most fun sport possible! We will be hitting those trails again.

1 comment:

Janice Graham said...

Hey, this is a great blog. Keep me posted!