Monday, June 4, 2018

Cupcake Charity 5k and Kids Run (Pony Express Days)

Jonny (18:26), Melody (22:10), Julia (37:21), Gabe (32:07), and Evy, Daniel, Michael in Kids Run

They changed up the course a bit this year to end on a downhill to the amphitheater. We all agreed it was a good change. Why not add more decline to this fast course?! Despite a potty stop early on in the race, I actually placed this year, 3rd in women. (The super fast woman who wins every year wasn't there.)

This was Gabe's first 5k and he ran a fantastic one! I was sad not to be there to welcome him at the finish line, but I cheered for him from the road as I hurried home to retrieve the littles from their babysitter. It was so neat to see him running hard as he neared the end of the three miles.

Jonny joined Julia for her last mile, and they came in strong after what had been a discouraging first few miles for her. Running is very much a mental sport, and we were so proud of her for overcoming the doubt and racing it in.

Evy, Michael, and Daniel earned their cupcakes by running well in the kids run. The Chick-Fil-A cow was a big motivator! I was surprised that the boys finished the race - it was longer than I had envisioned. Julia and Gabe were fantastic running partners for them.

We love running with friends, so were happy to see Tony Fonseca at the race.

After the traditional fist weekend of summer race, on to the traditional parade! June always starts out so festively. (Especially since Julia's birthday is on the first!)