Friday, November 23, 2012

Cedar Hollow Turkey Trot

Jonny (with Gabe and Julia!), Melody (with Evy), Turpins, Pecks, Drew and Julie

Happy Thanksgiving! This year a neighbor of Amber's asked to host her annual race for his Eagle Scout Project. We all braced ourselves and ran the three cold, windy miles. Not wanting to leave the kids out, we piled both jogging strollers in the van and ran as a complete family for the first time! Jonny and I took it easy and stuck together. (That is not something that happens often and I really loved running beside Jonny.) The kids hopped out at the last half mile or so to run it in. Then we hopped right back in the van to warm up all the little red noses and cheeks! 

P.S. What little running I have been doing for the past few months has been on and off in my new Saucony Kirvana shoes. They has a 3 mm heel drop. I may work my way down to 0 drop shoes but I felt like I needed a more transitional shoe first. This is the fist race I have run in them. They felt pretty good!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Beat Beethoven 5k

Jonny (19.36), Melody and Evy (25:12), Dad, Mom, Amber, Cami, Jake, Drew, Julie, Mitton Family

Another annual favorite. Evy was a sweetheart and only fussed a little. Jonny came in 1st place overall! I was 2nd in women 20-29 and 5th in women overall. So good to be running again.

And of course we love to see the Mittons at this race each year. Crazy how quickly the years go by. I think this is the third time we've run this race with them. Wow.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Eagle Mountain Utah North Stake 5k and 1k

Jonny (19:11?), Melody and Evy (24:30), Julia and Gabe (1k)

There wasn't a huge turnout at this race, but our ward members represented all the way. Jonny was second male overall and I was second female overall. (I was beat by little Makayla Pitcher by only a few seconds. I am amazed at how fast these kids can run! She and I were back and forth the entire race. It was fun to chat every now and then. She was awesome.) So, yes, Eagle's Gate ward is the defending champ. Sweet.

Evy was attentive and happy the whole race. Even though there was quite a bit of uphill, I didn't feel that the  stroller was slowing me down excessively. Perhaps it added about a minute to my time, but it was worth it to see Evy's sweet smile as I ran.

Julia and Jonny ran the 1k together while Gabe, Evy, and I slowly made our way. Gabe was tired of running after only a minute or two. So we pretended we were various animals - a tiger chasing bird, a dragon chasing a rabbit, etc. It really got him running! Fun.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Alpine Days 5k and Toddler Trot

Jonny (19:46), Melody (23:30), Julia, Gabe, Dad, Mom, Amber, Cami, Drew, Julie

Another year, another 5k in Alpine. Always a lovely course. But it seemed more challenging to me this time. Strange, because it is the first time since Julia was born that I have run this one without pushing any kids. (Katy watched all three at the park nearby.) I missed my buddies, but enjoyed the freedom - especially on the uphill. I really tried to push myself, which wasn't easy since I haven't been running a whole lot since Evy was born exactly three months ago. But I came in at a great time and even placed first in my age group. As did Jonny! Mom, Dad, Cami, and Drew also placed. 

The kids were really looking forward to this race. Julia tripped at one point but was a trooper and finished strong! Gabe wanted me to carry him for the last little bit, but after minimal encouragement he made it to the end on his own. Excellent. Now we are all exhausted after this early morning and ready to be in bed. It's 7 pm and the kids are asleep. Jonny and I will surely follow suit asap! (Wait a second, Julia just came out. Asap may be a little later than I had hoped...)

 Here we are being nerds and posing Olympic-style with our gold, silver, and bronze medals
 This is Gabe wanting the camera
 This is Julia not wanting her picture taken
 Here we are, ready for the Toddler Trot
 Gabe made it!
 Julia was all-too-excited for this lollipop
 See, Evy did join us. She is under there. Underwear?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pioneer Day Classic 5k

Jonny (18:56), Melody and Evelyn (24:58), Dad, Mom, Cami, Jake, Drew, Julie, and kids race for Julia, Gabe, and Ally

This was Evelyn's first 5k. (We walked half of the AF Canyon one, so it doesn't really count.) I have been running for about a month, and feeling pretty sluggish. I thought this would be a slower race for me, but I pushed myself and we did quite well for ourselves! It was not easy though. Somehow I forgot that half of this race is a long, slow ascent that seems never to end - especially when pushing a stroller with a wakeful and not too happy baby. But Evy calmed down and we were able to finish the race happily. If felt so good to be running fast and working hard. Even exhilarating!

Jonny set a new loop course PR and broke 19 minutes. Amazing. He came in second place over all - only a few seconds from coming in first place overall. (Actually, according to chip time he was first place, but overall winners are awarded according to gun time. Makes sense so he didn't feel robbed.) He may want to write more about the race. It was a challenging one for him as he and the other runner passes one another throughout. But what a time!

Jillian watched the kids while we ran. They were super excited for the kids race and ran their hardest. Julia was serious about it, while Gabe just ran to run. So fun to watch them. We waited in line for a while for the hot air balloon lift, but they ran out of fuel before it was our turn. (Next year remember to ride the balloon right about our race is finished. There is plenty of time before the kids race and awards ceremony to do this.)

I am pretty beat today but was happy to start the day with a race. It's been a while and I've missed the feeling. Plus it was fun to introduce Evy to our running ways. Though tired and hungry, she was a trooper.
Don't mess with Julia...
The kids were pretty excited about their coupons for a free meal at Costa Vida, so we used them this very day!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

AF Canyon Half Marathon and 5k

Jonny (1:27:10), Melody and Evelyn (walked the 5k), Grandma, Mom, Dad, Amber, Cami, Jake, Drew, Julie (all 5k)

I didn't want to be left out of the fun at this race so I decided to walk the 5k. Well, turns out that is pretty boring and long. (I remember thinking that when I walked one when Julia was just a few weeks old.)  So we cut it short in hopes of making it in time to see Jonny run in. No chance. He was speedy.

I will let Jonny write about his half marathon when he finds the time and if he so desires. For now, suffice it to say that he rocked it. (And that he set a new half marathon PR and came in 1st in his age division. Yes, that is my man.)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pony Express Days 5k

Jonny (18:37)

 I had been running with some of the scouts for a couple months and we wanted to run a 5k to top off the training. Some boys couldn't make it, most didn't want to, but Thom and his boy Noah, and Andrew came to represent troop 1251.

So I had a lofty goal of getting under 19mins as this was a downhill course. Started out fast and just like every year at the 1 mile marker, I got passed by this small, quick lady. I tried to hang on, knowing she was a speed demon. I came in at 18:37, a time I haven't seen since high school, but again aided by gravity. Felt good.

Lehi HS Basketball Fundraiser

Jonny (19:50)

 This race was a fundraiser for Jordan's basketball team. It was a nice morning and a great out and back course. It wasn't a huge turnout but enough people to make it a race.

I ran a 19:50 but found out later it was 3.05 miles so at that pace I still would have been over 20mins :( but I felt great.  Drew came in 2nd and he was flying as well.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Linda Buttars 5k/1 Mile

Jonny (20:39), Melody (1 mile walk), Julia and Gabe (walk), Dad, Mom, Amber, Cami (and remember, this course is 3.19 miles)
It was a chilly morning, but nothing like the first two frigid years we ran this one. The kids and I were really excited to see Jonny coming in first place overall! Apparently that is a first for him. Yeah baby! He did run a quick one, especially for the first race of the season. (He has been running for a little while now, training for the AF Half in June.) Last year I was first woman overall at this small race - we'll see if the stars can align and we two can take this one someday...

Dad and Mom placed first in their division, and Cami second in hers. They all walked the 1 Mile with the kids and me. Man, it seemed like a long mile with my tummy! Julia ran about half of it with Jonny but Gabe opted to stroll. I was a little jealous not to be running, but this baby girl is worth it. Will I walk this race a third time 8+ months pregnant? Only time will tell!