Saturday, June 22, 2013

AF Canyon 5k

Jonny (19: 57), Melody and Evy (25:03), Dad, Mom

We would have chosen this race for our half marathon but originally Jonny had scout camp scheduled for this weekend. When it was rescheduled, we thought we'd might as well run the 5k. But when our babysitter didn't show up in the morning, we weren't sure if we'd run it after all! We headed to the race hoping we'd see a family on the sidelines that we know who the kids could sit with. No luck! Then what do you know, we ran into Matt who was the photographer for the race. Julia and Gabe chilled with Uncle Matt for 20 minutes until Jonny crossed the finish line. (He was 3rd overall in men.)  Evy was cheerful with me most of the race. But I tried to pick up my speed toward the end as she was done. (I was first in my age division, out of 75 25-29 year olds! This race brings out a lot of walkers :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pony Express Days

Jonny (18:12), Melody (21:14), Dad and Mom, Julia, Gabe, Evy in kids run

I am writing about this a few months later so my memory escapes me as to the details. But as you can see, Jonny set a new downhill PR. Crazy fast! I was happy with my race too. Can't remember if we placed. I am sure Jonny did but there were lots of fast ladies so can't say that I did. Anyway, it was a fun race and started on time this year, for which we were very glad. Oh, and it was Julia's birthday! And quite the day with a race, parade, and carnival. She thought it was the best. Even having a babysitter first thing in the morning was exciting to her! (Jonny picked up the kids after our race.)