Saturday, August 10, 2019

Alpine Days 5k 2019

Jonny (20:30), Melody (22:44), Gabe (27:34), Mom, Evy and Daniel and Michael in the Toddler Trot

Each year when we wake the kids at 5:45 to leave our house in time to get to this race, we think to ourselves, "We don't have to do this. Do we really want to do this!?" But we're always glad we did. (To clarify, the kids don't complain about getting up early. They're up for it! Especially with the now-traditional Kneaders french toast breakfast to look forward to. I guess it's just Jonny and me who second-guess the venture!)

Julia was our babysitter extraordinaire as Jonny, Gabe, and I ran the 5k. That cemetery hill never gets any easier! But we love this course anyway. Gabe ran an incredible race and came in with a new PR. Go G-man! Jonny, Mom, and I all placed first in our age divisions. And the youngest three ran their hardest in the race around the park. We cheered on and chatted with Amy Worthington from Bamboo, and did our annual catch-up with Matt Paskett and his two adorable girls. Then it was breakfast, Julia's choir audition right there in Highland, and home to catch our breath before heading out to spend the afternoon and evening with Grandma Myra.