Saturday, August 20, 2016

Eagle Mountain North Stake 5k

Jonny (19:43), Melody with Daniel and Michael (25:59)

Jonny headed up the stake 5k again this year. As predicted, the turn-out was low (no family fair was held this year in conjunction with the race), but the dozen of us that showed up enjoyed racing in our stomping grounds. Jonny and Jake Moir were neck and neck for first place the entire race, only coming in one second apart! (Jonny guesses Jake would beat him if he hadn't been up working the past 13 hours. There may need to be a rematch...) As for me, this was actually the first time I had ever run with the twins. They were good sports and only fussed when we passed the neighborhood park without stopping to play! I ran alongside 13-year-old Makayla Pitcher, enjoying her pace and her company. Julia was a great water-station-girl/cheerleader outside of our house. I'm not sure if this stake tradition will carry on, but it's always good to get a good run in with some good friends.

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