Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pioneer Day Classic 5k

Jonny (18:56), Melody and Evelyn (24:58), Dad, Mom, Cami, Jake, Drew, Julie, and kids race for Julia, Gabe, and Ally

This was Evelyn's first 5k. (We walked half of the AF Canyon one, so it doesn't really count.) I have been running for about a month, and feeling pretty sluggish. I thought this would be a slower race for me, but I pushed myself and we did quite well for ourselves! It was not easy though. Somehow I forgot that half of this race is a long, slow ascent that seems never to end - especially when pushing a stroller with a wakeful and not too happy baby. But Evy calmed down and we were able to finish the race happily. If felt so good to be running fast and working hard. Even exhilarating!

Jonny set a new loop course PR and broke 19 minutes. Amazing. He came in second place over all - only a few seconds from coming in first place overall. (Actually, according to chip time he was first place, but overall winners are awarded according to gun time. Makes sense so he didn't feel robbed.) He may want to write more about the race. It was a challenging one for him as he and the other runner passes one another throughout. But what a time!

Jillian watched the kids while we ran. They were super excited for the kids race and ran their hardest. Julia was serious about it, while Gabe just ran to run. So fun to watch them. We waited in line for a while for the hot air balloon lift, but they ran out of fuel before it was our turn. (Next year remember to ride the balloon right about our race is finished. There is plenty of time before the kids race and awards ceremony to do this.)

I am pretty beat today but was happy to start the day with a race. It's been a while and I've missed the feeling. Plus it was fun to introduce Evy to our running ways. Though tired and hungry, she was a trooper.
Don't mess with Julia...
The kids were pretty excited about their coupons for a free meal at Costa Vida, so we used them this very day!

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