Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pony Express Days

Jonny (18:12), Melody (21:14), Dad and Mom, Julia, Gabe, Evy in kids run

I am writing about this a few months later so my memory escapes me as to the details. But as you can see, Jonny set a new downhill PR. Crazy fast! I was happy with my race too. Can't remember if we placed. I am sure Jonny did but there were lots of fast ladies so can't say that I did. Anyway, it was a fun race and started on time this year, for which we were very glad. Oh, and it was Julia's birthday! And quite the day with a race, parade, and carnival. She thought it was the best. Even having a babysitter first thing in the morning was exciting to her! (Jonny picked up the kids after our race.)

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