Monday, July 18, 2011

Mantua Dam Race 5 Miler

Melody (36:27), Grandma, Dad, Mom, Amber, Cami

Mom and Dad ran this race in Mantua (a small town near Logan) last year and came back telling us what a nice course it was. So we three UT sisters decided to make a weekend of it and head to Logan with Mom and Dad. (A road trip without toddlers is actually quite relaxing!) We ate Red Vines and laughed all the way up. Then we picked up Grandma and ate out at Angie's. After chatting, watching YouTube movies, and laughing some more, we finally went to bed and were up early for the race.

It really was a nice course. It seemed shorter than five miles, maybe because it just looped around the reservoir. It was nice to look out on the water and run on the gravel path. (This could have slowed times down a little, as it is tougher to run on loose rock than pavement. But it wasn't difficult.) I listened to Anthem and finished the book just before the last mile where I finally passed a fast teenage girl that I was trying to catch the entire race. The race ended on an uphill, but that was okay because the finish line was in sight. I felt really good after running quick 7:25 minute miles and was excited to cheer in my family members. There were some super fast runners in my age group, coming in two minutes before me. I placed 3rd in Women 25-29 and 38th overall out of about 300 runners.Yes, I missed Jonny and the kids terribly. Next year perhaps we'll stay at the campground down the street from the park where the race starts. It was a fun one and I look forward to running it again. (Plus, fun shirts.)

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