Saturday, August 19, 2017

Alpine Days 2017

Dad, Mom, Cami, Jonny (20:19), Melody (22:27), Evy, Daniel (with coach Julia), Michael (with coach Gabe) in toddler trot.

Yay for Alpine Days, as usual! It's not easy to get us all out the door and ready to run before the 7am start time, but it's always worth it.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Mantua 5 Mile Dam Run

Grandma, Dad, Mom, Amber, Cami, Katy, Melody (38:10)

We woke up bright and early to carpool up to Mantua for this race! We met Grandma there. It was a beautiful morning and I love the setting for this race. After running, we all headed to Logan to help Grandma go through things in the house. We made lots of piles and lots of progress! And we had a chance to day goodbye to that home that holds so many memories for us all. As much as we'll miss our visits there, we are so glad Grandma and Van will live closer to us soon.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Pony Express Days 5k

Jonny (18:31), Melody (20:45), Julia (34:58), Summer Michaelson, and Gabe, Evy, Daniel, Michael, and some Michaelson kids in the kids run!

We always look forward to this downhill race, but it was especially fun to have Michaelsons running with us and cheering us on this year! Julia, Summer, and I rode the bus up to the start line but Jonny opted to jog up. (I did jog around the block earlier this morning, which I believe did really help to loosen me up.) I think we all surprised ourselves by finishing more quickly than we expected! I even came in a whole minute faster than last year and set an new downhill course PR. Woohoo! This was Julia's second 5k and she pushed it hard to finish. When we drove back up to the start line to pick up our long-sleeve shirts that we had left there, Evy was audibly amazed at how far her big sister had just run.

After finishing I drove home to pick up the other four kids (who were at home with a favorite babysitter Makayla Pitcher). The boys were dressed and ready to go. "I run a race!" they kept saying. So they did! Gabe was on his own, Evy and Leah M. ran together, and the twins and Aaron M. toddled in the rear with Jonny and Adam. Then there were cupcakes for all, as promised! We sure do enjoy starting a Saturday morning with a good run with people we love.