Saturday, August 23, 2014

Eagle Mountain North Stake 5k

Jonny, Julia, Gabe, Evy

I had time to watch my runners before going in to the NICU for the babies' 10:00 "Cares." Go Eagle's Gate! 

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Alpine Days 5k and Kids Race

Jonny, Julia, Gabe, Evy, Rudi, David, Mom, Dad, Amber

The kids and Jonny headed out to this race, where they met Myra, Rudi and David. I was at home getting ready to drive to the NICU when I decided to leave sooner and hit up Alpine to cheer on my runners. (I was aiming to get to Provo for the babies' 10:00 cares, so I had time.) They were surprised to see me and I was so happy to be there to welcome Jonny in and watch my little friends in their race. I was still very sore from the twins' birth so I was definitely a spectator during all of it. But I was so glad to still be a part of a favorite traditional race. Go Team Rejholec!