Monday, June 27, 2011

American Fork Canyon Half Marathon and 5k

Jonny with Julia and Gabe (5k at 22:46), Melody (half at 1:36:56), Jake, Cami, Drew

How did my second half go? Even better than my first last august. I trained up to 10.6 miles this time (as opposed to 9 miles last August) and I could tell. I felt really pretty good the whole race. Yeah, I was feeling a few blisters by one or two toes coming on, but nothing that kept me from running comfortably. Around mile 11 I began to feel heavy. But I was familiar with the course (at that point we were running through the American Fork neighborhood where Jonny and I used to live) and I knew I was close to the finish. And what a finish! It was so fun to be cheered in by Jonny, Julia, Gabe, Cami, Jake, and Drew. With signs and all. Awesome.

I was pretty excited for this race. My training had gone well and I felt prepared. (I had been waking up early once a week to do a long run before Jonny left for work.) Getting to AF high school to board the bus at 4:30 am was surprisingly easy. I was ready to run and not tired. I didn't mind waiting the hour or so up there in the canyon before the 6:00 start time. (I wore warm fleece pants and a sweater over my running clothes. I am so glad I did. I shed everything and put it in my bag just before the race, even though it was still pretty chilly. Only a few minutes into the run, I was very glad I hadn't kept my long sleeve shirt on.) Since I was running without any buddies (Mom and Grandma wanted to run it, but both were out of town), I had some time up there to sit and watch the night leave and the day light up the mountains. It was quite something.

I wasn't too lonely though. I sat by a girl about my age on the bus. We got to talking and just chatted about where we lived, our families, etc. When she mentioned MD, I told her I love visiting Cheverly every year to see my twin sister. She got interested and asked more. "Culinary school? Twin sister? Cheverly? Triplets!? Are you talking about Emily Robinson!?" Ha! It was Laura, one of Emily's and KC's friends from the singles ward. We laughed about that coincidence and suddenly had a lot more to talk about. (Like how she had a major crush on KC.) That was pretty fun.

Another fun conversation helped to pass the time while waiting in the port-a-potty line. Behind me was Mr. Tischner, a teacher from LPHS, and his cute wife.  We chatted and laughed until it was time to line up. And at the finish line, I met up with Matt Paskett and some of his family, Dave and Megan Wilson, and Taj and Meg Mecham. (And during my temple recommend interview with President Kidd yesterday we talked about the race, as he ran it too.)

So it wasn't so lonely after all. I did wish Jonny was up there with me at the beginning, but he opted for the 5k as he has been spending all his spare time working on the basement and didn't really feel like training. The kids were happy to be running with him. Apparently the big hill up to the temple was killer, especially pushing two big kids in a stroller. Julia reported to me, "Mom, Daddy was slowing down. I said, 'Daddy, why are you slowing down?' He told me the hill was hard. So I cheered for him." Her story was true. Jonny said she cheered, "Go, Daddy!" for about a mile and a half.

During training and the race I listened to Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge.  (I was so excited that Deborah Lynn was the reader for the entire book. Her name was familiar to me because she was my favorite reader during David Copperfield. I should find a way to tell this volunteer reader how much I enjoy her reading during my runs!) I was really into the book, so when a strange noise came through after one of the chapters I got nervous. But then I heard Jonny's voice. He had recorded three sound bites to surprise me with during the race! Hearing his voice made me smile and even laugh out loud, not to mention quicken my pace a little. His messages came around miles 6, 9, and 11. Perfect timing, really. He was funny, silly, encouraging, cheerful, and darling as usual. Leave it to my amazing boy to come up with something like that. I love that Jonny Rejholec.

So, that was the race. As you can see, I ran at a pretty quick pace - 7:24 miles. I even surprised myself a little! But I was feeling good and kept the 1:30 pacer in view nearly the entire race. So I knew I would beat my goal for 1:45-1:50. I am in pretty good shape and this race was so very much downhill that I don't know if this is a PR I will likely beat. (See the official results here.) I came in 4th in my age group and 90th overall, out of 900 runners. Jonny, Drew, and Cami all placed first in their divisions! This was Jake's first race and he reportedly ran a great one. I think he will be joining us at more races in the future. Good times.

Anyway, I enjoyed the entire race experience and have no complaints whatsoever. It was wonderfully organized, the cause was worthy (all the proceeds went to cancer research and treatment), the shirts were awesome, the food was great,  and the course was beautiful and nostalgic. (It ran down the canyon from Tibble Fork, through the Cedar Hills golf course, into Adventure Learning Park, down Highland Hwy, and to the AF high school. All familiar running territory to me from the past. It was so fun to be back.)  I can't wait to do this one again many times in years to come. Jonny says he will surely join me next time. And that will make it perfect.
Megan Lamereaux Wilson,
great friend kindergarten through high school, nurse at Julia's birth.
 This is a little inside joke/movie quote between Chino and me.
 And here I am sporting the sweet Nike tech shirt.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pony Express Days 5k

Jonny with Julia and Gabe (19:46), Melody (21:26)

Looks like we set some new PRs at this race! Jonny and the kids have a new one at 6:21 minute miles and I have one at 6:54. But we have to note that the course is downhill nearly the entire run. Jonny says we can count these as our "downhill PRs" but we need to have separate ones for more flat courses. Alright, I guess. Still, fun to set some new records! (And please note in amazement that Jonny ran this race 4 minutes faster than the Linda Buttars one two weeks ago. Sure, this one is downhill, but 4 minutes!? And sick all week!? Wow. Way to go, my running man.)

I was actually surprised Jonny ran so fast, as he hasn't been running much and has had a bad cold all week. But you gotta keep up with that stroller on the downhill - you practically have to chase it! Even though it was a small crowd, I was impressed with his 4th place in men overall and 3rd in men 13-29. (Yes, a ridiculous age span. What about all those 13 and 14 year old boys who would've placed first in a more narrow category! Silly. Especially since they give no ribbons or medals, what could it hurt to split up the ages more reasonably? Anyway...) I placed 4th overall in women and 2nd in women 13-29. I felt great while running and after. It was exhilarating to use the downhill to my advantage. Now, if I only didn't have such short legs I may have been able to catch Jonny and the kids!

After the race a woman, Jenny Richards, stopped me and we chatted. She said we've run many races together and so we may as well know one another! She is in her 40s and came in just before Jonny. Phew! I hope I can keep my pace up over the years. (Not that 40 is old, I just wonder if I will slow down as I age. I don't plan to!)

As fun and fast a course as this one is, we were pretty disappointed with the lack of organization and high price. $20 for a city 5k with the cheapest of white t-shirts (that just say the name of the race in a cheesy font) is just too expensive. Hopefully next year they will have a family rate and/or t-shirt opt out like I requested in an email. Also, they bus you up to the starting line. Why a charter is the transportation method of choice for the three mile ride, I will never understand.  Anyway, they had to take four bus loads up. Each trip took 15-20 minutes. So the race started 40 minutes late and some poor runners who rode the first bus were up there for an hour. All of us were cold. So, as I said, terrible organization. (There was no race day registration, so they knew exactly how many people would need to be shuttled. No excuse, really.) Anyway, I don't mean to be so negative, but I believe unless things change for this race in the future, we may skip it. I hope we don't have to. It is fun to run in our own city. Here's hoping the race directors learn from this year's mistakes. I don't really see that happening, though, as last year the race ran just as non-smoothly for the same reasons. Come on, Eagle Mountain! Represent!