They really switched it up on us this year. The race was sponsored by the Fire and Police Stations so it was a new course, a higher price ($22.50, including the "convenience fee" online-the only method of registration), certificates instead of ribbons, and donuts at the end (Yikes! No fruit or bread). At first we were disappointed because we loved the old course - with the whole first mile downhill. And although today's course was a there-and-back, wasn't as scenic, and had no decline, we were surprisingly pleased with how quick the 3.1 miles seemed to go. And it was pretty fun to cheer each other on as we passed. It really was a good one and a great way to start out our sunny Saturday. Hopefully they lower the price next year and get some strawberries at the finish line!
Jonny ran bandit (we don't make a habit of this) but he would've placed in his age group had he crossed the line. I was 2nd in my age group and 4th overall. I had a good challenge at the end as a woman approached me from behind. I had a feeling she was in my age group so I pushed it as hard as I could and sprinted my best to the end. But she had more left than me! We talked after and sure enough, she was 29 and placed first in our age group and third in women overall. Ha! I was just happy to have had a reason to run my fastest.